miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011

TERÁN BARRETO, Cruz Delis. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OF THECOMMUNITY COUNCIL in Maracaibo. Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacin.Vice President for Research. PhD in Management Sciences.Venezuela-Maracaibo. 2011


This research is to analyze the Superior General Environmental Management inthe Communal Councils in Maracaibo Municipality, the research is theoretical support in Yepez (2002), Fernandez (2003), Ivancevich (2000); Guhl (2006);Communal Councils Law (2009), among others. It is based on the qualitative paradigm. The research is descriptive and field, whose design is not experimental, ethnographic method was used as data collection technique of direct observation, structured interviews and unstructured. Purposive samplewas taken as the representatives of the environmental committee of Community Councils and community leaders from the parishes Idelfonso VasquezChiquinquirá, and Coquivacoa Aranza Christ, Venancio Pulgar and AntonioBorjas Romero Maracaibo equitable representation. The processing of the results was performed using the triangulation between the theoretical references, the information collected by the researcher and the results ofstructured interviews which were categorized. The results showed that the cycledoes not develop or the Principles of Environmental Management, incommunity councils of the parishes mentioned. Nor, the targets are met orperform the functions of community councils. This allowed, conductcomprehensive strategic plan according to the weaknesses found in order tostrengthen community management of them.

Keywords: Environmental Management, Community Councils.

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